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surgery: 01358 723420

emergency during surgery opening hours: 01358 723420

emergency when surgery is closed: 01358 723420 and press 1 for emergency vet 

E L L O N - V E T

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We know your pet is an important part of your family 

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As well as appointments here at our fully equipped surgery, Chris Humes Veterinary Surgeon can offer a mobile service* where our vet visits your home to treat your pets (*only available during surgery opening hours). 


With a scheduled appointment, we can provide home visits to our established registered clients within 15 miles of the clinic. 

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It is our experience that some domestic pets are far less anxious with veterinary examinations and treatment when they are within their own relaxed home environment. 

More complex investigations such as X-rays, blood tests and surgical procedures are all undertaken within our fully equipped clinic.

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We provide a 24 hour emergency service to ensure the very best of care for your pets in the event that they need urgent treatment, no matter the time of day.

The clinic can also provide medication and animal care products to keep your pet in tip-top condition.